{"data":[{"title":"UC Processing ","message":"We have started processing UC You will receive UC within 3 Days.\r\nThanks for waiting. ","imagelink":"","date":"2024-10-16 11:06:38"},{"title":"UC Sent ","message":"UC has been sent and we started processing new requests. You will receive UC within 7 days. \r\nThanks","imagelink":"","date":"2024-09-09 09:29:32"},{"title":"UC Processing ","message":"We are processing UC requests. Please Check your UC status if it is in processing you will receive UC within 3 Days. If it is in pending Contact us on telegram. \nThanks for Waiting.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-23 05:46:55"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"UC has been sent and new requests are in processing UC will be received within 7 working days.\r\nThanks","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-11 00:42:45"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"UC Has been Sent.\r\n","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-07 07:45:15"},{"title":"Notification","message":"Good news for you. Now visit links are available. Earn EC by visit on webpage.\r\nThanks","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-06 01:24:14"},{"title":"Reward Sent","message":"Daily and weekly Reward sent to Top Users and Weekly and daily leaderboard has been reset.\r\n","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-03 10:41:48"},{"title":"Reward Increased","message":"1: Redeem UC cost has been decreased \n2: daily spin increased from 1 to 2\n3: daily scratch increased from 1 to 2. \n4: Now you can watch 8 ads in 1 hours.\n5: Invite friend reward increased from 300 to 350\n6: daily check-in increased from 30 to 40\n7: hourly check-in increased from 10 to 15.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-02 01:32:09"},{"title":"UC Notification","message":"We send UC after 3 days if you Redeem UC today you will receive UC within 3 days. Please wait and cooperate with us. \r\nThanks","imagelink":"","date":"2024-08-01 00:00:23"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"UC has been sent and coins has been returned who entered wrong player ID.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-31 23:55:53"},{"title":"UC Refunded","message":"UC has been Refunded to users who's UC status was rejected.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-31 08:29:10"},{"title":"UC Has been sent ","message":"UC has been sent and new requests are in progress we will sent UC within 3 days. Please check your UC status and check your account for confirmation. If you didn't receive UC contact us on Telegram. ","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-28 21:07:21"},{"title":"UC sent","message":"UC has been sent and new requests are in progress we will sent UC within 3 days. Please check your UC status and check your account for confirmation. If you didn't receive UC contact us on Telegram. ","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-23 12:05:19"},{"title":"UC Available list increase","message":"We added 120 and 180 UC. Now you can redeem 120 and 180 UC","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-20 21:21:03"},{"title":"UC Processing ","message":"We have started processing UC you can check your redeem UC status. you will receive UC within 3 days.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-20 12:12:59"},{"title":"Royal Pass","message":"Soon we will start Royal Pass Giveaway.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-19 23:45:25"},{"title":"Visit And Earn","message":"Soon visit and Earn option will be available. You can earn more EC by visiting on webpage.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-19 23:13:33"},{"title":"Contact US","message":"If you have any issue using this application contact us on Telegram and join our Telegram Channel.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-19 23:11:52"},{"title":"Spin Fixed","message":"We have fixed spin issue. Now you can get reward by spinning wheel.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-19 23:09:27"},{"title":"Server issue","message":"Spin is not working properly we are working on it. You will get 40 EC on every spin it is fixed. we will fix this issue soon.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-19 07:50:54"},{"title":"Technical Issue","message":"We are really sorry for the issue now issue has been resolved and your points has ben returned to your account.\r\nThanks.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-14 23:36:54"},{"title":"Congratulations","message":"All UC of previous month has been sent and we are processing new UC requests. Some request are rejected due to wrong player id. soon we will refund EC to their account.\r\nThanks for wait.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-14 10:43:47"},{"title":"Update ","message":"We are working on a new update of this application. Soon we will release a new update with many new features. You can earn more EC.\r\nThanks.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-12 00:43:40"},{"title":"UC sent ","message":"We are processing UC request of previous month. Users will receive UC within 5 days.\r\nThanks for wait.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-07-12 00:37:16"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"All UC of Previous month has been sent.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-06-29 03:37:20"},{"title":"Notification","message":"All UC of this month has been sent.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-30 14:31:04"},{"title":"Notification","message":"EC has been refund to all user who's UC request was rejected.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-25 08:17:07"},{"title":"Alert","message":"If your status is rejected don't worry we will refund your coins soon.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-22 02:58:51"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"All UC of previous month has been sent. Please check your account. If your withdraw status is sent and you didn't receive UC please email us at imtiaz12690900@gmail.com","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-22 02:57:00"},{"title":"Congratulations","message":"Coins has been sent to weekly top users.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-13 03:17:55"},{"title":"UC Sent","message":"All UC of previous month has been sent. Please check your account. If your withdraw status is sent and you didn't receive UC please email us at imtiaz12690900@gmail.com","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-08 05:19:30"},{"title":"Alert ","message":"If you see your UC status Rejected. Don't worry about it because we are unable to fetch player details. We refund their EC soon. So you can request UC again with correct Player ID.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-05-02 02:00:32"},{"title":"Alert","message":"We have sent UC in some accounts and some accounts are pending because of many withdraw requests. ","imagelink":"","date":"2024-04-30 08:42:56"},{"title":"Alert","message":"We are going to send UC within 5 days due to large number of request for all users who put UC Request.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-04-16 22:47:11"},{"title":"Weakly Top Users","message":"Weekly top users are:\n1: Sahib Alsmu=200 EC\n2: Haseba Hasan=150 EC\n3: Oussama Siouane=100 EC\n","imagelink":"","date":"2024-03-05 08:05:11"},{"title":"UC Notification","message":"Dear Players 8 UC package is not available worldwide. You can withdraw 30 UC or more.\r\nWe are going to refund EC Who request for 8 UC.","imagelink":"","date":"2024-03-05 02:48:35"}],"Count":"36","Status":"Success"}